
« Générations 2050 » : l’EDHEC lance son nouveau plan stratégique 2024-2028
13.06.2024 - EDHEC
"Generations 2050": EDHEC launches its new strategic plan 2024-2028
On June 13, 2024, EDHEC Business School launched "Generations 2050", its new 2024-2028 strategic plan.
12.06.2024 - EDHEC
End of the first edition of the EDHEC Talents annual programme
The first edition of the EDHEC Talents annual programme, devoted to equal opportunities, is set to end in July. During the 2023-2024 academic year, a…
Lorenzo Perlini - MiM Finance
11.06.2024 - Master
Securing a Graduate Programme at PwC – Lorenzo’s journey from EDHEC to Professional Success
Meet Lorenzo Perlini, an Italian student who transitioned from EDHEC's Master in Management, Finance track, into a prestigious early career position…
DataViz Challenge 2024
07.06.2024 - Master
DataViz Challenge 2024: Transforming Data into Powerful Stories
The DataViz Challenge, an annual event that brings together students from across Europe to showcase their data visualisation skills, took place end…
Gong Xinyi - MSc in Marketing Analytics
06.06.2024 - Master
From Givenchy to L'Oréal: Chinese Alumna Shared Growth and Achievements in Marketing Analytics
Gong Xinyi joined the MSc in Marketing Analytics programme at EDHEC in 2023, after completing her undergraduate studies in International Economics…
05.06.2024 - EDHEC
EDHEC organises the third edition of the Talents Prépas Bootcamp
27 and 28 May 2024 saw EDHEC Business School host the third edition of the Talents Prépas Bootcamp on its Lille campus, thus completing the annual…
Emmanuel Jurczenko
04.06.2024 -
Enhancing Career Opportunities: A Wealth of Opportunities with the MSc in Financial Engineering
Discover the Alumni Insights Series during the MSc in Financial Engineering programme, offering invaluable professional experiences and industry…
« À EURECOM, notre champ d’expertise inclut des sujets aussi variés que la cybersécurité, la science des données, les réseaux du futur ou les villes intelligentes » : David Gesbert, directeur d’EURECOM
31.05.2024 - EDHEC
« At EURECOM, our range of expertise embraces subjects as varied as cybersecurity, data science, networks of the future and smart cities » : David Gesbert, Director of EURECOM
[Winning duo #1]: a series of interviews in which EDHEC Business School’s academic partners discuss the content and aims of their collaboration with…
Learning Expedition - MSc in CC&SF
31.05.2024 - Master
Discovering Sustainable Solutions: MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance Learning Expedition
The MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance programme recently organised a two-day learning expedition in the PACA region. This event aimed…